Архив за 6 января, 2025

Мировой рынок
Цены на пшеницу в Индии растут на фоне ограниченных поставок

Мукомольные заводы Индии изо всех сил пытаются обеспечить достаточное количество пшеницы для работы на полную мощность, чтобы удовлетворить высокий спрос на фоне ограниченных поставок и рекордно высоких цен на зерно, сообщает Reuters со ссылкой на источники в отрасли.

Price forecast from 6 to 10 January 2025

Grain market:

How’s your health? And there’s still Christmas and the Old New Year ahead! Despite our best efforts over the holidays, stock prices for food remain low. Not good! Bad jaw work, comrades! Not eating enough. But there’s still time. Let’s support the markets!

To our limitless possibilities! Hello!

This release was prepared with the direct participation of analysts from trading platforms eOil.ru and IDK.ru. Here is an assessment of the situation on the global and Russian markets.

As expected, the bulls haven’t been able to come up with anything in the wheat market. There’s just a lot of it. This is something to accept and calm down. Exporting countries have persistently high inflation, which only creates the conditions for more competition for the end buyer in the foreign market. Traditional exporters will be happy that the labor of their citizens costs pennies, as they can gain more market share. They will lower prices. The harvest must be sold.

Currently America’s exports will be hurt by a strong dollar, so the US will only be able to sell its agricultural products to those who have their hands twisted in the basement. Also, Americans could be bailed out by China, not by Trump, but by Comrade Xi. If the Middle Kingdom doesn’t turn its back on Washington, then surplus corn, wheat and soybeans won’t be on the U.S. market. But US ending stocks are likely to rise. Comrade Xi has hinted unequivocally: Taiwan is China. And Washington believes that Taiwan is Taiwan. We see fundamental contradictions. So there will be sanctions packages in both directions.